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Event Details

    Reg-March Chapter

    Date: March 8, 2023, 8:00am
    Branson Tri-Lakes HR Association
    Central Bank
    400 US Bus 65
    Branson MO 65616
    $15 for member (included if paid for the entire year); $25 for non-member
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    Join us for our March Chapter meeting where Sheila Moss will be discussing Socially Intelligent Leadership:  Do you lead with Style?

    Socially Intelligent Leadership: Can You Read the Room?
    We all have a preferred way of acting and interacting, however, without self-awareness, we
    may not fully understand how and why our actions affect others and vice versa. Why do
    people behave like they do? The Platinum Rule tells us to “treat others the way THEY want to
    be treated.” There are things that we likely cannot change about ourselves, and we surely
    cannot change others. BUT, there are things that we can do to meet others where they are.
    Let’s take a brief journey of self-discovery, and see how the things we learn about ourselves
    give us the tools to Read the Room. Our destination will be the cross-section of social
    intelligence and emotional intelligence, and our outcome will be increased positive workplace
    relationships, decreased conflict, and highly effective leadership.

    CLICK HERE to register.