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Event Details

    May Chapter Meeting

    Date: May 14, 2025, 8:00am
    Branson Tri-Lakes HR Association
    Central Bank: 400 S. US Bus 65, Branson, MO
    $15 for members (if not prepaid); $25 for non-members
    Event Type:
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    Join us as Spencer Harris from Habitat Communication and Culture helps us have an argument!

    Let's Have an Argument: 

    Arguments have gotten a bad rap. Modern workplaces perceive arguments as a negative outcome of tension, frustration, or anger, and many organizations actively work to over- manage communication to avoid arguments between their employees. But, when encouraged appropriately and managed effectively, arguments can be a powerful tool for mutually developing truth and finding optimal solutions in your organization.

    This workshop is designed to help participants understand, at a fundamental level, what makes a great argument, the key differences between an argument and a fight, the warning signs of an unhealthy argument, and strategies for cultivating and facilitating healthy arguments among their team members.