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    April Chapter Meeting-Elizabeth Wente

    Date: April 12, 2023, 8:00am
    Branson Tri-Lakes HR Association
    Central Bank
    400 US Bus 65
    Branson MO 65616
    $15 for member (included if paid for the entire year); $25 for non-member
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    Join us for our April Chapter Meeting where Elizabeth Wente will address “Navigating Mental Health Challenges in the Workplace”.

    We will discuss how mental health challenges show up in the workplace and how employers should consider both the employee relations and legal concerns that arise with mental health challenges.  Specifically, we will discuss situations that can arise when providing FMLA and ADA accommodations for mental health challenges. We will also discuss how employers can use methods like trauma informed training to ensure that they are supporting all employees, including those with mental health challenges, in the best possible manner.

    CLICK HERE to register.