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Event Details

    Health Care Market Trends: Right Now

    Date: July 13, 2016, 7:30am – 9:15am
    Tim Lambing
    Taney County Ambulance Building, 106 Industrial Park Drive, Hollister, MO 65672 in the Meeting Room which is around the back of the building.
    $15 for Members, $20 for Non-Members
    Event Type:
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    What does the future of healthcare look like; what are the current trends and how should our strategies respond?  During this meeting, we will review the findings of Mercer’s annual survey detailing the current employer health care environment: how we got here and where were going. We will review the actions taken by employers to better manage their health care costs through basic and innovative advanced strategies. The results of the annual Mercer Survey will help you better understand the future of health care including the impact of customer directed health plans, sky-rocketing pharmacy costs and private exchanges.

    You will learn how to:

    ·         Better understand the broader health care market
    ·         Review actions taken by employers to manage plan costs
    ·         Examine emerging trends and innovative programs
    ·         Assist employers to prepare for future changes in health


    Check In and Networking and Breakfast:  730am to 8am

    Meeting:  8am to 915am

    A wonderful Panera Bread Breakfast included.

    Attached is a link to the 2016 Enrollment Form that you can bring with you to our first meeting!  Reminder: If you pay the Annual Amount of $150 in January, you pay for all the meetings, plus the annual seminar, and the annual Holiday luncheon.  That's a savings of $65!

    Directions:  From Hwy 65, take the Hollister Exit and go East towards Walgreen's.  Go straight through the stoplight at Walgreen's into the Industrial Park and TCAD is the 2nd building on the left, counting the corner building.

    Your RSVP is important so that the caterer can adequately prepare for our Association.